
Cold Chain Integrity: Visibility for Safety and Compliance

Transport and storage of temperature and condition-sensitive products such as pharmaceuticals and food is complex, demanding, and expensive. The risk of loss or damage to the cargo has the potential to grow as global shipping drives least cost transport and complicates the cold storage chain. Regulations are tightening, while at the same time both quality standards and shipping volume make logistics ever more sensitive.

A growing middle class in developing nations will continue to push for higher-quality food products at greater distances, with very stringent quality requirements. More and more specialization in the pharmaceutical industry is resulting in an increase in shipments of drugs and vaccines that are extremely sensitive to temperature, shock, light and other environmental factors.

A data-driven approach is needed to enable shippers of sensitive goods such as food and pharmaceuticals to maintain cold chain integrity. As a result, in many cases, issues can be avoided entirely or resolved quickly when they occur. Learn more in this white paper.